On some occasions, records and documents need to be tracked down or in depth financial analysis is needed that surpasses standard and even advanced accounting and consulting functions.
In cases where litigation is a significant possibility or when one party in a dispute seeks to recover information that can have an impact on a financial determination, the client, their attorney and/or team, and or the courts will turn to a knowledgeable accounting firm for guidance. In other cases, the issue may never reach the level of litigation but an independent third-party expert may be needed to settle a dispute in a professional manner.
A forensic examination or consulting engagements may include the following:
Development of engagement strategy.
Engagement and team management.
Discovery Process – including data gathering procedures and review of electronic or printed documents, some of which may not be easily available or understood and to bring greater clarity to a financial situation under dispute.
Analysis, investigation, and interpretation of data.
Testing hypothesis and suppositions.
Reporting on findings which might include expert opinions, findings of facts, confirmation of allegations, and more.
Providing expert testimony via memorandums, depositions, and or other court appearances.
Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell’s (老葡京手机app) forensic examination team has years of experience partnering with clients, attorneys, and local and state court systems on cases ranging from divorce, contract or employment disputes, insurance or tax disagreements or other situations. Our service, based on accounting and auditing expertise, as well as a rigorous analysis of financial records, results not only in the identification of relevant documents or records, but also of presenting the information in a manner that is understandable by stakeholders.
Forensic evidence can be a critical component in litigation and related consulting matters. When you find yourself in a situation when expert advice has the potential to help your situation, call the forensic accountants at 老葡京手机app.